You must be wondering why my blogspot domain name and title don’t match with the content found in this site. That is because I was thinking of starting a blog that talks about stuff which white color dominates majority of a product or design concepts. Well, I thought it would be easy to write about this topic but later after I have setup the name for the site, issue submission to some other websites, sign-up something and I thought I should not restrict myself to talk about one thing only. That is when I realize that it is too late to create another blog site name and repeat what I have done so far. What the hack! So I decided to keep it.
This blog will contains anything and everything that comes into my mind as it goes along. For now these are few areas that I am embarking myself lately.
Blog for Money, Blog toolkit, Make money online, Internet Marketing, 2008 Exam papers, Top primary school, Save Money, Go-Green, Green living tips, Green living guide, Food and Recipe